Thursday, February 26, 2004

While I was at the gym, Jesse Jackson called in to 'Wolf Blitzer LIVE' or 'Wolf Blitzer Reports' or whatever...basically calling out the Bush administration on the Haiti matter, saying we should send MORE Marines in to secure Aristide and the presidential palace...that protecting our Embassy just wasn't enough. My first thought was...WTF? Is it our job to police the whole damn world, and then when we do (Iraq) get bitchslapped for it on the global stage, and when we don't get slammed for just letting stuff happen? This is called a no-win scenario where I come from. Kobayashi Maru.

I mean...what about the UN? Isn't it their damn job? I swear...I know Haiti is close to us so everybody expects us to do something to step in and shore up the democracy there, but still. I think we're out of the 'shoring up paper-thin democracies' business...have been since Viet Nam. I don't mean to compare the two, especially since it's not an equal comparison, but "getting invovled when maybe we shouldn't" is definitely a recurring theme. I just hope nobody cries 'racism' at us, as a recent FL (of course) congresswoman did...doesn't she know that Colin Powell (Secretary of State) and Dr. Condoleezza Rice (National Security Advisor) have a hand in these types of decisions, and they are African American? She even went as far as to lump in a Mexican-American Bush Administration offical as a 'white guy' and then say 'you all look alike to me' when she was corrected. What a dumbass.

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