Thursday, September 28, 2006

So instead, the cutter gets death by a thousand cuts... - Bush: Democrats the 'party of cut-and-run' - Sep 28, 2006: "President Bush counterpunched at Democrats on Thursday, saying their criticism of the war in Iraq has turned their party into one of 'cut-and-run' obstructionists."

I'll never understand this way of thinking. First of all, I'm pretty much against labelling an entire party in any way. Secondly, why does it become all about 'cut and run' if you're simply wondering about specific goals and timeframes? If we just stay there while little insurgent attacks keep happening against our troops until enough is enough and *everybody* thinks we should leave, isn't that just 'death by a thousand cuts'?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September Showers

We had our baby shower this past Sunday. It was at the same place as our wedding shower. When we got there the room was hot so I went back home and got a fan so Court wouldn't be too warm. Unfortunately, the fact that I wore a Bears jersey under my shirt made me constantly sweat the whole day. Oh well, at least they won.

We got a ton of stuff. Today we'll be going to get our baby furniture. Amazon points, baby!

The shower was nice. The whole thing is really not my deal. I'm uncomfortable with being (near to, anyways, since Court is the real center) the center of attention with these types of things. Add in all the baby stuff on top of that. I wonder why we need so many of these baby outfits considering sometimes it seems we do laundry so often I wear the same 3 pairs of socks every week. There seems to be some type of device for every baby scenario, and I'm sure the stuff we have barely scratches the surface. It's amazing.

I got to see my Godson, which was nice. Pretty soon there will be a lot of babies/children around with our kid, my Nephew, and my Godson. I've said before that I am not much good around babies since it seems they are just really fragile and holding one is just an excercise in making sure you don't drop it. I can't wait for them to get older.

My BIL tells me that once our baby comes I'll really start to understand it all. I'm sure he's right but I can't stop thinking about what my Dad thought/felt when it came to me (and my sister) and how things ended up working out as they have. I already know I've done things I can't imagine my Dad would ever do (registering for a baby shower, I don't think so) but what's that mean, really? The true test is being a real *team* with your wife (or husband) and facing things together...a case where my dad (seemingly) made things worse rather than better.

I find myself looking forward to our kid really coming into his/her own rather than just being something that's passed around like the most fragile thing ever.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

So very ready for some football

Being a Cub fan, I've only been ready for the first Bears game of the year for about 4 months. Being that they tore the hell out of Fav-ray and the Packers, the wait was worth it. It's my first full-year back in IL so my BIL came by and (in what will become a back and forth tradition) he came over and we watched the game. My SIL and MIL came by with my nephew (who has gotten a lot bigger this past week, I swear) and then the girls left to go shoppig or whatever. We ate a bunch of junk and watch Rex the Beast and the Bears D destroy Green Bay.

It'd be sad to watch Favre these days, if he hadn't spent so much time kicking our asses. He should never have come back. For the first time ever he was looking like he didn't even care. He sucks.

Our Five-Year Mission

My thoughts and remembrances of 9/11 have been stated here before, so I'll save the recanting of it all here. I find that five years has passed pretty quickly. In that time, we have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and in my opinion squandered some of the international goodwill that was felt for us in the aftermath of the events of 9/11/2001.

Though the jury is still out on Iraq, it seems to be a quagmire of sorts. For Afghanistan (and the destruction of the Government which support Al-Qaeda) it would seem that we were successful. I am not sure whether the absence of any sort of 9/11-type attack against this country since then is proof of the righteousness of our actions or simply coincidental.

Friday, September 08, 2006

but was I ever?

I must not be net hip anymore, because I have no clue why somebody I don't even know wants to add me as a myspace friend.