Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Not going anywhere for a while?

I've noticed that everybody's favorite candy bar seems to be Snickers. Given a bag of candy with lots of choices, most people grab the Snickers.

Personally, Snickers has been eclipsed by Take5 as my favorite candy bar.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Time for a Good Cry

The Thanksgiving Edition of this literally had me in tears on the way into work. I'm talking laughing so hard with so many tears that I was afraid of getting into an accident.

Check it out, if you have time. The previous three seasons of the podcast are available on itunes.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Part of the Process

Well, yesterday was election day. After days and days of signs, calls, and commercials, it all came down to one day. Long story short, in the race I really cared about, my candidate (Tammy Duckworth) lost. However, for Peter Roskam it was a pyrrhic victory due to the fact the the Republicans have lost control of the House of Representatives, and seem poised to lose the Senate as well. (some races still undecided)

I feel this election was a referendum on the Iraq War, which seems to be more of a boondoggle with every passing day, and President Bush, who is as unpopular as ever. I'm just glad that the family member who was over there has returned safely. Hopefully he doesn't have to go back to that shit as Iraq seem to be turning into Vietnam II where this Congress (or the next President) will pull us out of there.

For Governor, I voted for Judy Baar Topinka, who also lost. I did not particularly support her but as I feel the incumbent (don't feel like googling to make sure I spell his name correctly) is somewhat corrupt and a crazy spender, I voted Republican. The Green party candidate was pro-concealed carrying of weapons so he was a no-go for me.

Personally, I am something of a social liberal (gay marriage: ok, stem cells: ok, abortion: ok but rather not) and a fiscal conservative...which is kinda funny because I don't pay attention to what I spend and have no clue what we have or don't have in the bank. Thank God for my wife.