Thursday, December 09, 2004 - Rumsfeld faces tough questions from troops - Dec 8, 2004

This is actually pretty disturbing to read, and I'm surprised it hasn't been given more exposure in the media. Read it. that you're done with that. What'd you think? Look at these exchanges:

"Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to uparmor our vehicles?" Wilson asked.

Seems like a valid question.

A big cheer arose from the approximately 2,300 soldiers in the cavernous hangar who assembled to see and hear the secretary of defense.

One that the troops obviously care about.

Rumsfeld hesitated and asked Wilson to repeat his question.

Never a good sign.

"We do not have proper armored vehicles to carry with us north," Wilson said after asking again.

Ok, second try.

Rumsfeld replied that, "You go to war with the Army you have," not the one you might want, and that any rate the Army was pushing manufacturers of vehicle armor to produce it as fast as humanly possible.

And, the defense chief added, armor is not always a savior in the kind of combat U.S. troops face in Iraq, where the insurgents' weapon of choice is the roadside bomb, or improvised explosive device.

"You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up," Rumsfeld said.

"You go in with the army you have?" That's his answer? "You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up?" Well, I'm sure that's reassuring to our troops. Jesus.

He gives even more BS answers later on in the article. From working for a big company for years, I notice the tone of a large, uncaring 'leader' giving the underlings BS answers to shut them up. As if they care about the nobodies.

This Tribune article (reg required) is even *more* disturbing, since it contains this passage...

A few minutes later, a soldier from the Idaho National Guard's 116th Armor Cavalry Brigade asked Rumsfeld what he and the Army were doing "to address shortages and antiquated equipment" that will affect National Guard soldiers heading to Iraq.

Rumsfeld seemed taken aback by the question and a murmur began spreading through the ranks before he silenced it. "Now, settle down, settle down," he said. "Hell, I'm an old man, it's early in the morning, and I'm gathering my thoughts here."

I mean, can you believe this? These guys are out there getting blown to Hell and this is the crap he spews? Man, oh man.

I just hope none of these soldiers gets in trouble for asking these questions. I have to say it'll probably happen to some small extent. :(

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Hitting to all fields...

  • Been getting no sleep the past few days, so I'm tired as hell.

  • Apparently, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is busy giving our troops BS answers on their Iraq Wars concerns. (more on this later)

  • At this point, until my Mom comes in February to visit, I am done with going to Disney.

  • We got our rental car for December. For the whole period it would have been $450. Chop off 2 days and it's $150. Somewhere, Surak is crying. (well, not *crying*)

  • Today is the first day of Hanukkah. If you're Jewish, Happy Hanukkah to you!

  • Christmas shopping is done but for 1 or 2 small items.

  • I want this so badly it is not funny.

  • Cubs signed Nomar and Todd Walker for next year, which is good. Now, only one big task remains. (dump Sammy...dump Sammy...dump Sammy...)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


If there was some easy way to use as a ringtone the fake laugh Wilbon uses to laugh at Tony's purposely lame jokes I'd do it.