Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So much time and so little to do

Strike that, reverse it.

The lack of lengthy posts over the past few weeks aren't the sign that nothing is happening. On the contrary, it's been craziness ever since we closed on the house.

Shortly after I got back from China we moved in, with the help of friends and family. Thanks to everybody who helped out, big time. The storage spaces were emptied and furniture, boxes, and tubs were moved into the house and the garage. We're still going through everything.

A few days later, I went to Houston for a tradeshow. Somewhere in between there we bought a new bedroom set, living room couch and loveseat, and a set of new bookcases. We had originally planned on keeping our queen-size bed but decided after a night with the two of us and the cat and the dog that it was time to get a bigger bed. We'd always talked about it and now that we plan to have our bedroom set for a long while we figured it was time to get the king-size. We went to a local place for the mattress (the guy looked like a real-life Peter Griffin) and it all got delivered this past Saturday. The bedroom looks nice all put together and everything.

We spent the rest of Saturday going to Home Depot and picking up supplies for the lawn and some other stuff. I put down grass seed on Sat afternoon (the lawn is an embarassing mess) and raked and watered, etc.

It's just been a crazy past few weeks. I leave for LV on Tuesday again. Hopefully once I return that will be it for travel until June or so.

Friday, April 21, 2006

X-box to the rescue

Superman Returns

Wow. Too bad it's not for PC though!

Got gas?

Oil breaks through record $75 as gas shortages reported - Apr. 21, 2006

Not too surprising, as gas has gone up and up in recent days. Luckily enough, my car is pretty effcient...mostly due to its low weight and small engine.

I'm wondering what has happened to all the oil we were supposed to be getting from Iraq??

random fact about me

Sometime I turn the Tivo sound effects on just so I remember why I turned them off.

Monday, April 17, 2006

She be the Judge - Ex-governor guilty of racketeering - Apr 17, 2006: "Rather than declare a mistrial, U.S. District Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer decided to replace the two jurors with alternates and, over the objection of Ryan's attorneys, ordered the jury to start deliberations over again."

Interestingly enough, she was the Judge when I did my two-week stint as a juror in Federal Court some years ago.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Birthday Meme

Type in your birthday (minus the year) in the search bar at, and pick three interesting events, four births, two deaths, and a holiday.


1789 - New Jersey becomes the first U.S. state to ratify the Bill of Rights.

1943 - World War II: Battle of Tarawa begins - United States Marines land on Tarawa atoll in the Gilbert Islands and suffer heavy fire from Japanese shore guns and machine guns.

1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis ends: In response to the Soviet Union's agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ends the quarantine of the Caribbean nation.


1921 - Jim Garrison, American detective, author, and politician (d. 1992)

1924 - BenoƮt Mandelbrot, Polish-born mathematician who made discoveries in fracals

1925 - Robert F. Kennedy, U.S. Attorney General, Senator from New York State, and brother of President John F. Kennedy (d. 1968)

1940 - Bob Einstein, American actor better known as Super Dave Osborne


1910 (N.S.) - Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist (b. 1828)

1737 - Caroline of Ansbach, Queen of George II of Great Britain (b. 1683)


United Kingdom - wedding day of Queen Elizabeth II (1947), official flag day

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Home Wire-ing

Posting this from the utility room of our new home. Just got the cable internet up and working. The Comcast guy was here earlier and ran a new line to the house. The rooms had been wired off of the house antenna, so it was a small thing to replace the source with the cable line. Not sure where the cablemodem will go eventually.