Monday, January 12, 2004

Ok, so I ran (well, walked) the marathon and didn't die. No blisters, no nails falling off, no real intense pain. My feet are sore, which is to be expected. I'm a little sore in the legs, but not much. It was a fun time. Only thing that sucked was the WAY TOO EARLY start. They said we had to be there at 4am but the marathon didn't start until 6am. They should just say 'It starts at 6am. If you're not there, too bad for you.' if you ask me.

I had intended to walk one mile/run one mile, but in the beginning Court was severely slowed by bad shin splints after some jogging and I wasn't going to leave here. In the first 2.5 miles most people passed us. We walked quickly off and on and at one point I did run for a while (then waited for Court to catch up) because I had to break the stiffness I was getting (by walking without being able to really stretch my muscles by running). We both finished at around 4hrs. Not that great, but hey, we did it. I was intending to hit the gas at around mile 12 and just gun it the whole way until the end, but I thought it was more important that we finish together, and it was. It was a nice time together, and I'm glad we did it.

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