Monday, December 11, 2006

This could be a bad sign

The previously owners of our home had satellite internet. Because of that, they had an antenna on the roof which was attached to a tripod. They removed the antenna when they left, but the tripod was attached to the roof and I told them they could leave it. I figured we could put a flag up there or something, but I didn't do anything about it for months.

A month or so ago, I bought a Bears flag and attached it to the tripod. I didn't do a very good job of attaching it but I figured I'd get back up there later and really make sure it was secure. Cold weather and snow came shortly after and I didn't do anything about it.

The other day, I noticed a weird formation of ice coming over the gutter in above our front door. I broke some of it away, and I noticed a part of my Bears flag was underneath it all.

Yes, the Bears flag is now in the gutter. The snow is melting today, so I'll retrieve it--but this does not bode well for this season.

And yes, I'm the same guy who attached his Bears windsock to the Santa Fe for the drive up here. The wind tore it to ribbons.

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