Sunday, June 05, 2005

In Canada now. Very nice here, so far. The guys I'm working with will be here in 20 minutes or so. At the airport I had to go through the same stuff I did when I arrived in the Dominican Republic. On the airplane they pass out customs forms and you give them to the customs people when you get to the airport, along with your passport. They didn't stamp my passport which stunk because I thought it'd be cool to get another stamp. The girl who worked the customs desk (just like the ones they had in Miami) looked right out of Le Cellier in Canada.

On the way to the hotel I noticed a few things. There's a giant windmill on the of the white wind-farm looking things, not a Holland type. :) Also, while there are ads on the sides of the expressway, they're not crappy looking ones like we have in the US. These are actually 'sculpted' into the hillsides on either side of the expressway. It's a great way to get the ad across and make the sides of the expressway stay nicely cut and manicured. I thought it was pretty sharp looking.

Well, more later.

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