It just arrived today. I'm still geeking out about it. Court ordered it for me some time ago. It was meant to be a surprise, but that was a secret she couldn't keep. It came this morning and I didn't want to opened it without her around so I asked her to stop by the house before she went on to her show this afternoon. It's amazing. It's a lot heavier than I'd thought. It doesn't work, obviously, but, let me tell you, it feels like it should. I've wanted one my whole life. Absolutely
This one, in particular, is Anakin's lightsaber in Episode III. As such, it's the lightsaber Anakin has when he duels Obi-Wan...a fight Obi-Wan eventually wins. He takes Anakin's saber and gives it to Luke in the first Star Wars movie (production wise) "A New Hope". Luke later loses it when he loses his hand in "The Empire Strikes Back". Out of all the sabers Master Replicas has created, this is the one I've wanted the most. It's got the most history. I also have the scaled (smaller) version of Luke's lightsaber from "The Return of the Jedi" that Court had given me as a gift last year.
Very cool.
doesnt anakin kill obi-wan? or are you referring to a different fight btw the two of them? as something that might be shown in episide III or something? All i Keep hearing about is how bad the first two episodes (the fourth and fifth production wise) and how this one better be better. Do you think those two epsidoes were let downs?
Anakin (as Vader) kills Obi-Wan while Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie, Threepio, and Artoo are escaping the Death Star in Star Wars.
I like Episode I and II. I think they'll be appreciated a lot more after the full story is told in Episode III.
i saw a really cool big poster yesterday at AMC. it showed Anakin looking menacing with the cut on his face with a black cape on and the back of the cape billowed into the vader helmet. it was pretty cool. reminiscent of that little anakin where his shadow was vader
Yeah, that one looks ok. I much prefer the little anakin one with the shadow. I bought the poster a few years ago and Mom framed it for me. It's on the wall in my room here.
You've wanted one all your life, huh?? :)
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