Friday, July 11, 2008

And growing up is hard to do...

When you're a kid, you don't have money for all the toys you want, but you have room for them.

When you're an adult, you have the money for all the toys you want, but you don't have room for them.

And when I say 'toys' in a grown-up sense, I don't mean TVs and DVD players and that crap. I mean actual toys. Actual toys that purposefully remind you of the things you wanted as a kid but couldn't/didn't have. Of course, it being the 20th/25th/30th anniversaries of a lot of my favorite toys this year doesn't help.

Since this is one of my favorite GI JOE sequences...

I of course couldn't pass up this...complete with jetpack and American flag.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Teeth and the Teething Teethers with Teeth

After a few days of 'issues' with getting the little one to sleep in the new crib configuration without getting up every five minutes, things went back to the way they were and she slept all through the night.

Then the molars came.

Her mood changed. Her sleeping patterns changed. What she wanted to eat, and when, changed.

Luckily, this (mostly) happened during a week we were both on vacation so the sleeping didn't really matter that much. If not, I think we'd have both been in rehab by mid-week.

There's nothing like seeing your daughter hold her hand up to her mouth while saying 'ow! ow!'

Things have gone back to normal once again, luckily.