Wednesday, November 17, 2004


I don't watch Law & Order. It seemed to be the only thing on yesterday while we were working on the scan configs in Snehal's room. There were at least 3 or 4 shows in a row where I heard that BUMP BUMP sound, that's all I know. Court watches whichever the new ones are...I always tease her about the BUMP BUMP sound whenever I'm walking past, whenever there's a break in the action I do the BUMP BUMP sound.

I's funnier when it's live. Seriously.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Friday, November 12, 2004

Happy (belated) Veterans Day

Sorry for the short delay...was visiting with the in-laws over the past few days. Yes, much Disney'ing was had, for good or ill.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Taken from a comment by a poster on

Profile of someone who supports Bush:

I have a BA, a BS, and an MS.
I've scored in the 99th percentile in every standardized test I've evere taken (SAT, etc...).
I've attended both private and public universities.
I've traveled to about half the states in the USA.
I've studied 4 foreign languages, one for 6 years, the others just for a year or less each.
I've traveled to Europe (Germany, Amsterdam, France).
I've traveled to Asia (S. Korea).

I'm not stupid, I'm not ignorant, I'm not a naive.

I'm a lapsed Episcopalian who is hardly a fanatic.

I have gay friends and would like to seem them able to get legal marriages.

I don't support abortion, but I don't support making it illegal.

So why did I vote for Bush? I know plenty of others like me. You can't write us all off as morons or fools. We're not. We're not ultraconservative wackos, either.

Interesting. I particularly don't understand the notion of people being sheep for following Bush. I really don't get this mentality. This is how democracy is supposed to work. There isn't even the 'popular vote' thing to hide behind this time. The majority of the voters voted for Bush and he'll be President again. I don't understand this whole idea of 'we know better than everyone else' or 'everyone else in America is dumb' that seems to be going around the net today...and I didn't even vote for Bush.

My response to anybody saying they want to flee to Canada would be of the "don't let the door hit ya..." variety. It's basically the old "I didn't get my way and I'm going off to sulk" line.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

No chads here in Florida. Our ballot was a series of broken horizontal arrows that you had to connect to vote for your candidate or issue. Pretty simple.

I'm sure it stupified some people though. The fact is, if someone can get confused by the automated registers at Home Depot, which are the most IDIOT-PROOF THINGS IN THE WORLD than people can get confusd by anything. By the way, The Home Depot registers narrowly beat out Universal's thumbscan locker system for TOTAL AND COMPLETE EASE OF USE. By which I mean, if you cannot figure these mechanisms out you are a moron.

I did see on CNN some Florida (of course) voters complaining about the accuracy of touchscreen voting systems during early voting. Things like they wanted to vote for Bush but it kept clicking Kerry and vice versa. Of course, they had an election technician there onsite who tested all of the machines and said that they all tested out fine and the people must be leaning their hands on the touchscreens and messing up the process. (imagine that)

I weep for the present. - Election Night�Blog - Nov 2, 2004: "Let's hope so. There's so much at stake. We don't know who's going to win -- although I strongly believe a high turnout benefits the challenger. (As one Kerry aide told me today, 'People don't stand in line for 45 minutes to vote for more of the same.')"

I have to agree. It's a thought I had earlier today.

Monday, November 01, 2004 - Shuttle Enterprise takes center stage, at last - Nov 1, 2004

It's the Enterprise, baby! The real deal. Flown by Florida's own John Young, of John Young Parkway.

Yeah...Florida still sucks. :P

(FYI, this shuttle was named 'Enterprise' due to large write-in requests from Star Trek fans. Really.)