No chads here in Florida. Our ballot was a series of broken horizontal arrows that you had to connect to vote for your candidate or issue. Pretty simple.
I'm sure it stupified some people though. The fact is, if someone can get confused by the automated registers at Home Depot, which are the most IDIOT-PROOF THINGS IN THE WORLD than people can get confusd by anything. By the way, The Home Depot registers narrowly beat out Universal's thumbscan locker system for TOTAL AND COMPLETE EASE OF USE. By which I mean, if you cannot figure these mechanisms out you are a moron.
I did see on CNN some Florida (of course) voters complaining about the accuracy of touchscreen voting systems during early voting. Things like they wanted to vote for Bush but it kept clicking Kerry and vice versa. Of course, they had an election technician there onsite who tested all of the machines and said that they all tested out fine and the people must be leaning their hands on the touchscreens and messing up the process. (imagine that)
I weep for the present.