Friday, August 29, 2003

Two heart-breaking cub losses in a row...woe is me. :( Let's hope we trounce the brew crew this weekend.

So much to do this weekend:

1. Get universal 2-year passes for Court and I.

2. Get FL car insurance all setup.

3. Go to Micheal's and get a frame for the PotC litho and the California Adventure litho. Also, model paint for my DeLorean model.

4. Go to Home Depot and get a grill cover, big chain and cinderblock to chain grill to, and mulch. Also, anchors and screws for the Snow White magic mirror.

5. Go to BB and investigate the DirecTivos, probably getting DirecTV there. Want to get it setup before football next weekend.

6. I think that's it, but I wanted to end on an even number.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The cat hissed at me today. By my count that is twice since we've been back. Only twice in three days. Uh oh...he might be getting used to me.

I've even petted him a few times.

No, I'm still not a cat person...and will never be a cat person. But I'm retreating from my earlier opinion, which was that if he got run over by a steamroller, I wouldn't bat an eye.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Got back in to FL yesterday afternoon. After unpacking and doing some food shopping (as we had intentionally left NO food in the house, silly us) we started going through the mail and everything. Court got 'Chicago' from amazon, so I'll be treated to that garbage some time soon, I'm sure. At least I'm going to BB this afternoon to pick up 'Animal House'. If there were two movies that are less like each other than 'Chicago' and 'Animal House', I'm not sure.

Anyhoo, After going through the web, emails, regular mail, shopping, and ordering up some pizza for dinner, I didn't go to bed until 2am. Suffice it to say, I'm tired as hell. The honeymoon/wedding blog write-up is coming, so be patient. Actually, Court had kept a journal (of sorts) during our trip, detailing the things we did and such. I might refer to it to refresh my memory, as we had a ga-zillion things to do between Friday, August 15th, and yesterday, August 25th.

The cat is NOT under the bed at this time. He was actually very friendly and happy upon our return yesterday. I think he thought we'd abandoned him. I actually petted him and everything, and he didn't run away. Isn't that funny? I'm amazed he's actually acting like a pet. I'm reminded of a Bill Murray quote from Ghostbusters, a classic...'It'll be chaos! Cats and Dogs, living together...'.

I haven't even been hissed at...yet. Let's hope it never happens. :)

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Was out doing 'bachelor party' type stuff until 4am. Woke up at 7:45 with a muddled head. (more than normal)

It hasn't gone away.

Also, crisis at work, which is always fun, has kept me here later than I'd wanted. I'm leaving with the hour to go to the mall to get Court her swiss-army Nextel phone and then to pick up my tux. Then, back this way to the church at 7pm for the rehearsal.

Hopefully my muddleds are gone by then. Heh...that sounds vaguely Potter-esque, doesn't it? Oh wait...that's muggles. d'oh

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Well, we landed safely last night and all that. Picked up the rental car, a nice four-door with XM radio. Very slick. Slept good, nice to be in my bed again. I still say we need to lose that pillow-pad thing and the mattress protector thing that's on our mattress at home. I really really don't like it.

Went to the bank this morning and wrote the biggest check I've ever written in my life...easily eclipsing my previous record of $2000. I had to get a cashier's check to pay Fountain Blue with this afternoon. We're heading to lunch soon...nice to be back with the guys here for a few days.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Cubs lost yesterday. They play at 7:30p tonight so I'll miss it since our flight leaves at 7:50p. It'll be nice to be back home for a little while. There's a lot ot do in preparation for the wedding on Saturday though. I have to go get my tux and...well, that's about it for me.

I got the WB tickets reserved, and also received an email saying the new Clancy novel will be sent to my Mom's house. I went 2-day, so it should get there on Thursday. I wanted it by Sunday so I can have it on the flight to CA. You know, I'm still not sure if we leave Sunday or Monday. Yeesh.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Mainly cleaned today, but took some time off to go see Charlie's Angels 2 and go pick up something for Court's Dad at the village.

CA2 was ok. Too many impossible things, like people flipping around in mid-air and stuff. I mean, in the Matrix, they do that because they're 'playing' the Matrix program, right? But in what's supposed to be 'real life', it ends up looking idiotic. And this movie had it to the nth degree....waaay out of control.

We leave to go back to IL on Tuesday. First time Court and I will ever be on a plane together, so that'll be fun. Have to call Warner Bros. tomorrow to reserve out studio tour tickets for next Wednesday. Really looking forward to seeing California!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Cubs won again tonight! They're a game and a half back! Woo hoo!

Got a call from my Mom tonight, who got a call from my Grandma in Arizona. Seems she was asking why a certain Aunt (let's call her Gail) was not invited to the wedding. I'll have to call her back tomorrow, but the real answer (and the one I'll give her) is that I just didn't think about that person. She's my great aunt...My Dad's aunt. Truth be told, I didn't even remember she existed when we were making our lists. I haven't seen Aunt Gail in YEARS. Like waaaay over 5 year, and more around 10. I mean, do I really need to invite these people? We are still 10 under the guaranteed, so I might as well, but still. And it's not like I care about pissing them off, because it's not like I saw them when WE LIVED IN THE SAME STATE, which we do not anymore. What a pain. I mean, if her son was getting married (for all I know, he is already) I wouldn't expect to be invited, nor would I care. I guess with the number of AZ people coming in for the wedding word must have gotten around. Also, her brother ( I think...still not sure about that side 100%) is coming, but I would recognize him on sight, as would he me, I hope. They're the same tier of family member (great-...) but it's just different. Last time I heard about this family, they were trying to hit my Dad up for some investment or something. Court talked to my Mom about this, and then said to me 'well, they're lawyers, so at least we'll...' and I was like 'uh, no. I don't think they're like that.'

I mean, gifts are nice, but I'm not all about that. From day one of the engagement I knew that a HUGE chunk of my money would be going towards this wedding, and I considered it gone from then on. I'll be happy with what we get, that's for sure, but I'm not looking to make any money out of getting married. Some people make money, some break even, some end up losing.

Financially, we can afford to lose all of it (mostly because I get paid the day before) and not get thrown out of the house or anything, which is always nice. :)

I just hope everybody has a good time, and it all comes together well with no problems, and let the chips (and gifts) fall where they may.
I should rename this blog 'it's pouring outside', because it is. Cats and dogs. Court lost power at work even. So if I blink out here (UPS is hooked up to the Tivo :) ) you'll know why.

This morning, the trash was strewn about outside again. I swear, if I ever catch whatever is doing it. I think I'll have a stakeout in my car overnight when we get back. I'm going to have to start spraying RAID all over the trashcan before it goes out out trashnight. I don't put the bungee cord on it when the trashman comes because we've already lost 2 that way.

Once we get a dog, I hope the scent will keep other animals away from our front lawn...especially those outside cats.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Cubs won again tonight, 3-2. They're in second place now, 2 1/2 behind Houston still...but they bypassed the damn Cards, who lost again tonight! Woo hoo!
Nicely pitched game by Kerry Wood and a homer by Sammy. Cubs have won their last 3 series, and this makes 4. Way to go!

We had a frozen bagged skillet thing for dinner. Nice mix of chicken and veggies. We added some worchestershire and it's given me heartburn a little bit. It was good though. Very enjoyable.

9 days til the big wedding day. People keep asking if I'm nervous. I'm not, really. Truth is, I don't really think about it that much. I've always been that way. I wait until the day before the special occassion (holidays, vacations) to really start thinking about it. I am looking forward to it all. For wedding and being married matters, it already feels like we're married to me. For all intents and purposes, we are. Only difference is, after the 16th I'll have to wear a ring. :)

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Cubs win! 2 1/2 games out now!
Aramis Ramirez just hit a two-run homer with a two-strike count! Cubs winning 3-0, top ninth!

(a win is a MUST, considering the Cards and Astros both lost!)
Listening to the Cubs game now. West coast game, so it started at 10pm our time. Top of the ninth, Cubs lead 1-0. Prior came back today from his arm bruise and pitched a gem til the sixth when they took him out. Guthrie got the Cubs out of a jam later on in the game by getting the Cubs out of a bases-loaded situation. The game's Tivo'ing, but I prefer to listen to the radio and mute the television, and since Court is sleeping now I'm listening upstairs. (via the internet of course, since WGN doesn't reach quite this far).

As is the FL case, it torrentially rained again today. Man...last year, it was all about the drought down here. Now, all it does is storm. Oh well...I like the rain. It puts me to sleep.

Monday, August 04, 2003

Rained like CRAZY today. Tons of flodding around intersection was totally flooded out. We went out to go to Staples so I could get some things and it was raining so badly we turned around and came home. Stayed in for a while and then went out after it stopped. I got my new's a 3M Precise Mousing Surface, specially made for optical mice. Hopefully this means no more dirt and stuff on the bottom of my mouse. Also, it's got a wrist rest, which I hope helps the 'I think it's carpal tunnel' pain in my right shoulder. That's the only thing I can think body is getting used to sitting in a new position at a new desk. I should probably find my keyboard's wrist wrest...wherever it is.

I usually never use that stuff. I must be getting old.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

We went to Target today to pick up some things from our list now that our wedding shower gift-getting is most likely over. We got new pots and pans, a paper shredder, a new toaster, and a new vacuum cleaner. The old stuff will be going to Salvation Army.

We were going to go to Chef Mickey's (my fav) for dinenr tonight but opted out. Neither of us was in the mood for going over to Disney and all that. Instead, I picked up MD's and we watched 'Planes, Tranes, and Automobiles'. It was bad to eat MD, but the movie was funny as Hell, as always. It's one of my all time favorites comedies.

'You're going the wrong way!' 'How could he know where we're going?'

Friday, August 01, 2003

And the Cubs win!
Ok...I listened to the Cub game until the rain delay. Great pitcher's duel....1-1 throughout until the D-backs scored 3 shortly after I re-joined the game in extra innings. I figured I jinxed them, so I shut it off. Now it's 3-3 in the top of the 14th. I was just about to turn it back on, but then I was like 'uh...maybe not.' Don't want to jinx them again!

Go Cubs!
We were going to help Court's friend Denise move on Sunday and then go to dinner at Chef Mickey's (my fav) but Court's boss told her that she now has to work on Sunday! WTF is that...2 days notice! Her boss is such a tool. Doesn't know HOW to be a manager, and when things blow up in his face (i.e., not remember certain people asked for the same day off yet still saying 'yes' to them and stranding someone by themself then) he pretty much just says 'oh well'. What BS. I told her when we get back from the honeymoon she should actively look for a new job. Maybe something at Disney, who knows.

Tonight, maybe Donato's for dinner. Maybe we'll pick up a pizza then head to Blockbuster for a DVD. Sounds good by me. The spire fan from Sharper Image came today. Should be a nice surprise for Court...I set it up and everything. It's part of my wedding present to her. I see that it's raining now, which is odd because it's bright outside and the sun is shining. Oh well...nobody ever said living here was NORMAL.